What to Expect From a Naturopathic Visit?

Stepping through the door of a new health practitioner can be difficult. By getting a good idea of your individual concerns, we can work together and get you back to health.
Is naturopathic medicine right for you? Check out this video on YouTube:
Is naturopathic medicine right for you? Check out this video on YouTube:
First Visit
In this hour-long consultation, I review your intake form and we focus on your heath history, current medical concerns and short and long term health goals. If necessary I will perform a focused physical exam and order diagnostic tests, if necessary. Using this information I create a personalized treatment plan and a timeline for future visits. Therapies such as acupuncture or injection therapies may be done during this initial visit if time allows. Please either drop off, email or fax a completed intake form (see “Intake Forms”) and any recent lab work prior to your first visit to give us the maximum time to begin treatment. No referral is necessary. To book an appointment see "contact us" for phone numbers and locations. Follow up visits During this 30-minute check up, I inquire how you are progressing with your treatment plan, and make any modifications if necessary. We may review lab results during this visit and/or perform therapies such as acupuncture, IV, or craniosacral therapy. Fees: I understand that naturopathic therapies can be pricey, so I make every effort to keep costs reasonable and within budgets. I accept cash, debit, and credit cards. Prices effective January, 2023 60 minute Initial Visit………………………….. $195* 30 minute Follow Up……………………………………… $105* IV/ Injection Initial Visit**......................................................... $220* IV or IM Injection Short Visit**.............................................................. $60* Extended Visit (45-60 min)........................................ $165* (For patients that require extra time or have not been into the office in more than 6 months) * Additional therapies such as IV, injections or nutritional supplements not included ** On prior approval from Dr Frances only Insurance and coverage: Naturopathic medicine is covered by most extended health plans. All plans vary - some may cover supplements, labs, and other therapies, so it is important to ask your employer about the specific limits of your plan. We direct bill to most of insurance companies, such as Sun Life, Canada Life, Manulife, Blure Cross and more. |
FAQs9What is naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease. Symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body, and unfavourable lifestyle habits. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes disease as a process rather than as an entity. Treating both acute and chronic conditions, naturopathic treatments are chosen based on the individual patient – their physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, environment and lifestyle factors. In addition to diet and lifestyle changes, natural therapies including botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulation and traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, may also be used during treatments. In Canada, the naturopathic medical profession’s infrastructure includes accredited educational institutions, professional licensing, national standards of practice, participation in many federal health committee initiatives, and a commitment to state-of-the-art scientific research. What are the costs of various services? Initial visits and follow up visits are always the same cost ($195 and $105 respectively) but there are specific treatments that may vary depending on the ingredients used or on the time spent with the patient. These treatments include IV therapies, chelation therapies, prolotherapy, additional diagnostic testing and nutritional supplements. Extended visits can also be booked if you feel you require more time or if you have new concerns. Acupuncture and craniosacral therapies are included as part of the follow up visit cost. Why do I have to do such a long initial visit? Or what can I expect my first visit? The first visit with Dr. Frances is typically an hour long. A comprehensive assessment includes a complete history as well as reviewing any past medical records. Lab tests may be requisitioned as well as any medical records from your other healthcare providers. The review of any requested lab tests will be conducted during the second visit as well as any necessary physical exams. This base line of information is needed for Dr. Frances to properly recommend a personalized protocol to meet your health needs. Can we begin treatment on the first visit? Treatment can often begin on the first visit but is dependent on the complexity of your case, ability to get all the required information (intake forms and medication lists) previous to the visit and on the patient/ doctor interaction. What is the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathic medicine? Homeopathy is one form of medicine that Naturopathic Doctors may choose to use when indicated. Homeopathic medicine is a medicine founded in Germany in the 1700′s that is based on using minute amounts of natural substances to stimulate the body’s healing abilities. Naturopathic Doctors are not Homeopaths and vice versa. What kind of education does an ND receive? A Naturopathic Doctor is required to have an undergraduate degree that includes the prerequisites of university level anatomy, biochemistry and chemistry providing the fundamental sciences for medicine. Once accepted into one of North America’s accredited naturopathic medical schools, the candidate then completes a four year program in medical sciences as well as the Naturopathic modalities. During this program in the candidates third and forth year the candidate must fulfill the stringent requirements of an internship in the student clinic and as well as under licensed ND’s supervision in their practices. The candidate must see and treat certain number of conditions to fulfill the requirement alongside the hour requirements. To become licensed, the candidate must pass the NPLEX board exams (Naturopathic Physician Licensing exams) as well as separate examinations for the traditional modalities such as spinal adjustments, homeopathy, botanical medicine, acupuncture, clinical nutrition and counseling. Continuing education is mandatory to maintain licensure. Any additional certifications that Dr. Frances currently holds such as Craniosacral therapy, Intravenous therapeutics, Chelation and advanced intravenous therapeutics, Pharmaceutical prescribing (cand) and Advanced Cardiac Life savings she has pursued, to provide her patients with the highest level of care, outside of the core requirements. |